Architectural Hardware

The Crucial Role of Ironmongery Schedules in Construction Projects

Ramiz Javed 0 Comments

Today, we delve into a fundamental aspect of construction that often goes unnoticed but plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety, functionality, and aesthetic appeal of your property: the Ironmongery Schedule. What is an Ironmongery Schedule? An ironmongery schedule is a comprehensive document that details the specific ironmongery requirements for each door and...
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Espagnolette Bolts: Elegance and Security for French Doors and Windows

Ramiz Javed 0 Comments

Espagnolette bolts, also known as Cremone bolts, are sophisticated locking mechanisms traditionally used in French doors and windows. These bolts feature a vertical rod that secures the door or window at the top and bottom with a simple turn of a handle. Historical Significance: Originating in France, espagnolette bolts are a hallmark of classic...
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How to Select Ironmongery for Different Doors in a Project

Ramiz Javed 0 Comments

Ironmongery, or architectural hardware, plays a crucial role in the functionality and aesthetics of doors in any building project. From hinges and locks to handles and closers, selecting the right ironmongery involves several considerations to ensure safety, durability, and style. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you choose the right ironmongery for different doors...
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